Sunday, October 25, 2009


Gotta watch this video-Brant is pretending to be a horse. We were cracking up.

Adventures in pumpkin carving

I wanted to go with the easy level design-Josh wanted the more challenging so he ended up doing most of it. It turned out pretty good (the pictures doesn't do it justice). We have had a pumpkin sunday, carved pumpkins, made pumpkin cookies, and am also going to roast the pumpkin seeds. Brant will be having a halloween party at school Thurs and I volunteered Josh to help out. He is going to be a Dinosaur, figured that would work well since he roars at people all the time.

Its a pirate ship, duh!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pumpkin Pickin'

Brant and I went to the pumpkin patch last sunday. the weather was perfect and we had a really nice time. he loved riding the hay ride. He was enjoying feeding the goats until one bite him! we picked out a huge pumpking to carve in a couple weeks and he picked out a couple small ones. He just went to his 3 yr check up and everything is a-o-k. his speech is also really starting to pick up. he talks a lot more and you can only make out a few words but he getting there. i think preschool has really helped.

No more ZZZZZZZs

so josh gets this wild hair up his butt and decides that he is going to remove the Z things off our cabinets, which is something we have talked about doing for a while. He practically disappeared into the shed for a couple weeks, sanding, staining, whatever. Below are some pics of the final product and I must say it makes a huge difference. He next project-because he can never seem to sit still-is to build cabinets to add to what we already have which would be great because we have noooooo cabinet space for all the cooking equipment that i rarely use. then add new counter tops, sink, and light fixtures. maybe even paint! i also wanted to add a picture of our new grass. this is the same area that had the big pile of dirt on it for brants party. i am suprised how nice it has came up but it is not as thick as it looks. heard that takes time.