Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Fire Truck Bed

Josh finished up Brant's fire truck bed. He absolutely loves it. He loves to drive it to the fire, get out, and put the fire out. He thinks its the best thing ever. During all this, I have been suffering from the worst case of pink eye EVER. It is goopy, swollen, red, leaky, and down right disgusting. It was in the right eye, got it cleared up, and then it showed up in the left eye, even though i was treating both eyes. So far, Josh and Brant haven't gotten it. I have been called Pink eye monster and Captain Red Eye. its been great. Decided not to take any time off though, trying to infect as many kids as I can!! Plus its exam week-three half days, can't complain. Also, we are supposed to get a major snow storm this weekend. Maybe 10 inches! Crazy! Looks like i will be joining all the other crazy fools at the grocery store tonight to get provisions.

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